Waiting forever | Teen Ink

Waiting forever

May 5, 2014
By Kaleigh Allen BRONZE, Jackson, Tennessee
Kaleigh Allen BRONZE, Jackson, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I thought I could handle you being gone but it's not working out I miss you more and more somehow and I don't know how to stop. I've tried to move on over and over but I just can't shake the feeling I get when I see you smile.

All I ever see is you everywhere I go I run into a memory or two
I miss the way we used to be.
Always hanging out and talking loud
I can't believe you left me standing there, alone
But i finally realized if I'm waiting on you I'll be waiting forever.

There's no point in trying to move on cause your the only one I want.
Your big brown eyes get me everytime. Moving on from you is like trying
To needle in a haystack.

All I ever see is you everywhere I go I run into a memory or two
I miss the way we used to be.
Always hanging out and talking loud
I can't belive you left me standing there, alone
But i finally realized if I'm waiting on you I'll be waiting forever.

It's been 9 months since I've seen your face, or had a conversation
I don't know if its getting easier of if I'm just immune to the pain.
Maybe one day will meet a coffee shop somewhere but until that day
I'll just keep dreaming of your face.

All I ever see is you everywhere I go I run into a memory or two
I miss the way we used to be.
Always hanging out and talking loud
I can't belive you left me standing there, alone
But i finally realized if I'm waiting on you I'll be waiting forever.
Ohh for forever.

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