Mentality | Teen Ink


May 5, 2014
By SimplyKels BRONZE, Jackson, Mississippi
SimplyKels BRONZE, Jackson, Mississippi
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If they crying then don't.
I don't really ask for too much.
If they think I'm a monster,
ask them so what?
Because I been through ups and downs.
I've been through hurt and I smile.
I don't really care for too much.
I don't really care if they hurt.
If they think I'm a monster,
ask them so what?
Because I felt the hate in your heart.
I felt the pain of those scars.
Yea, Yea.

Tell them I tried not, not to retaliate.
I tried not to be the one,
to lose myself.
But they kept on testing me,
but they kept on stressing me.
Now it's time to go hard.
It's time to set fire to these sparks.

Repeat 1x

The author's comments:
The song is called "Mentality" because it is personified in idea of a person's mind. This is the thoughts of someone being told through the "words from the mind."

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