Stars Implode | Teen Ink

Stars Implode

June 1, 2014
By EmPeek SILVER, Austin, Texas
EmPeek SILVER, Austin, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If your delicate eyes don&#039;t blink someday, they might as well be gone&quot;<br /> - Currents Convulsive, Pierce The Veil

Some days are better than others. They come and go. Go away, go away! Go away. Fly away, far away. Into the sun, I'm burning up. How could you do this to me? Fly away, far away. Into the sun, I'm burning up, How could you destroy the sun? How could you burn me up? Sometimes I run and hide. Run fast, before you can see me cry. Eyes are red, don't want to look into the mirror, my skin you took. I want to fly away, far away. Into the sun, I'm burning up. How could you throw me from the sun? How could you leave me for someone? How could you paralyze the sun?

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