Praying For Insomnia | Teen Ink

Praying For Insomnia

June 1, 2014
By EmPeek SILVER, Austin, Texas
EmPeek SILVER, Austin, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If your delicate eyes don&#039;t blink someday, they might as well be gone&quot;<br /> - Currents Convulsive, Pierce The Veil

I had a dream, and you were walking, and I saw you clear as day. And I stopped you. And we were together, you looked away. You put your arms around me, but it was ripped away. I don't want to sleep anymore 'cause all I dream about is your chocolate eyes staring into mine. And when I wake up, I'll remember it's not real. I'll sleep till May, till the sun screams through my blinds into my mind. And then I'll wake up, and my heartbreak will be shrieking so loud against the walls that they'll break too. Your smile is banging through my brain. When I close my eyes, all I see is stripes. Millions and millions of different shades of blue striped. All I dream about is stripes and stripes, piled up high, folding over and over and over. I don't want to sleep anymore.

The author's comments:
My boyfriend/ best friend of two years was this Mexican boy. Halfway through us dating, he decided he wanted to be a girl. His girl name is Luna, so you'll find that I use the word Luna a lot in my songs/poems. He/she always wore this blue striped jacket, and this is about me not wanting to sleep because I dream about him, and his jacket and his beautiful brown eyes (we evidently broke up).

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