Music Culture | Teen Ink

Music Culture

June 17, 2014
By CallawayS SILVER, Gilford, New Hampshire
CallawayS SILVER, Gilford, New Hampshire
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If life does not also hand you sugar and water, your lemonade is going to suck. (Anonymous)

Smooth melodies played from Mozart,
While the Biebs is like a wrecking ball, tearing from the start

I get trapped in its constant blend,
grinding it up it seems to never end

It is with us, around us, the sound has found us,
it follows you in your sleep, like santa on Christmas Eve

Everyone has heard of me, you see,
I’m more popular then John F. Kennedy

World needs to relax and let it go.
You can’t live on without the feeling, you know

We act like robots and slaves to our devices,
Just sit back, I’ll give you some advices

I’m thinking and sinking not drinking or stinking, my mind is clinking, my eyes keep blinking, my lines are linking.

Rap is like gods way of saying look around,
You might need take a chill pill, or you always have a frown.

The World needs to relax and let everything else go.
You’ve never been anywhere, without rap’s Van gogh.

The author's comments:
This a rap that does not have any deep meaning.

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