Contemplate | Teen Ink


June 30, 2014
By AnonymousGirl67 BRONZE, Cedar Creek, Texas
AnonymousGirl67 BRONZE, Cedar Creek, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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But it ain’t how hard you hit; it’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done.

sit back in this seat while i drive down the street and just think.
Time to make a new me.
Time i spend more time off the tv to shut out everyday problems.
just lean back and...
he listens to his music and it makes him feel invincible.
So he goes and joins a gang where everything he does is to "get big".
Hes not at home and his momma's worrying.
Being the single mom she blamed her self.
He goes to school,
but only for a couple hours, then leaves because he's been told
"You're not good enough."
He gets busted by the police and while he's being searched he...
She listens to her music and it makes her feel worthless.
So she goes to the bathroom and cries as she looks at her beautiful reflection.
The only problem is she only see's what she doesn't have.
listening to the songs that play in her head about having the big butt and big boobs.
She goes to school and feels like crap because she hasn't eaten in a few days.
She sits in class and tries to focus and learn
but its hard when she hears people calling her "ANA"
She goes home.
Drowns herself in stale cigarets.
as she breaths in a seconds off of her life she

The author's comments:
I just wrote this about a few classmates...

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