Teach me | Teen Ink

Teach me

June 28, 2014
By LifeHatesMe SILVER, Corinth, Kentucky
LifeHatesMe SILVER, Corinth, Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I love being happy because happy is just so happy and a really fun word to say"

What's it like to stop and smell the roses?
What's it like to sight see on the way?
My whole life has always been full throttle.
A constant struggle to get ahead.
Never having to wait to wait for a door to open.
Someone always there telling you where to go.

But sometimes I want to do things on my own.
Sometimes I want to learn what to do.
Tell me how to solve the problem
Don't say here I did for you.

At least you taught me to stand on my two feet,
But how do I turn this thing on.
At least I can say my own words.
But what am I gonna do when your gone?
Give me some berries I'll eat for a day
Show me where to find them and I'll never hunger again.

But sometimes I want to do things on my own.
Sometimes I want to learn what to do.
Tell me how to solve the problem
Don't say here I did for you.

Some will say I lived a charmed life
Spent my days sucking on a silver spoon
But when its time to be on my own, at least you'll know what to do.

But sometimes I want to do things on my own.
Sometimes I want to learn what to do.
Tell me how to solve the problem
Don't say here I did for you. (x2)

The author's comments:
This completely made up, I wouldn't know what its like. I just wrote it in the last twenty minutes actually.

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