I've Always Dreamed | Teen Ink

I've Always Dreamed

July 11, 2014
By Anonymous

I've always dreamed of this night,
Right now you are my light,
All I want from you is a gentle kiss,
That I'll never miss,
Every step that you take,
We both know its not a mistake,
All the feelings we share,
That's when I looka at you and glare.

I've always dreamed of you,
Now you have come true,
And now I'm finally happy,
Now I'm no longer sappy,
I'm no longer in your shade,
Now this love is finally made.

When you're here, by my side,
And by that I won't hide,
You make me smile everyday,
'I Love You' you'd say,
I'll always hold on tight,
By this I feel so right,
I'm so lucky like a four leaf clover,
And I never want this to be over.

You are always in my dreams,
And when your there, you always gleam,
You will always light up my world,
I will never be frightened & curled.

I've always dreamed..............

The author's comments:
This poem is about a boy that means the world to me and I always dream about. I thought I'll write this poem to express the feelings about this special boy.

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