The Wrong Kind of Love | Teen Ink

The Wrong Kind of Love

July 23, 2014
By AddieLayne SILVER, Knoxville, Tennessee
AddieLayne SILVER, Knoxville, Tennessee
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Why wait on the world to change when you can change the world?

Not quite sure what to think or say,
All I know is how you took my breath away.
With every laugh and every smile you put me at ease,
Making it harder and harder for me to breathe.
But somewhere down deep inside, I see it won't last;
It's slowly becoming part of the past.

Winter is gone yet I hold on,
Onto the laughter and smiles now that they're gone.
Slowly but surely you'll forget about me;
But I'll still be here waiting, hoping you'll see,
See what could be.

Now it is September; you seem happier than ever.
What happened to forever?
There's a place in my heart that only you can fill;
I think about it until I'm ill.

Making the same mistake I run back to you,
Giving you my heart to break in two.

The author's comments:
Love can be disguised in many ways, but ultimately it comes down to two things: the right kind of love and the wrong kind of love. Both make you feel like you're on top of the world, but the wrong kind of love will eventually bring you down.

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