my sisters & brothers | Teen Ink

my sisters & brothers

August 11, 2014
By TheBlackPoet567 GOLD, IN, Indiana
TheBlackPoet567 GOLD, IN, Indiana
13 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is a struggle requiring optimism and confidence

People steady tripping they don't ever listen. Does it take a gun shot or lose of life for you to listen? It's not all about the swag or bagging every pair of legs that walks on the street. It's not about the money or the games you guys be playing. It's about the trust and, the love that needs to be duplicated and multiplied. Its about caring for someone you love, maybe even died for if it even came down to it. So put the gun down and, raise your voice because it seems that's the only way people will really hear you. There is enough fear and hate in this world, so why not make it a better place? Put the gun down my sisters and my brothers and lets love one another because, you don't know if the next day is promised to you. Death could be peeking around the corner but, you to busy worrying about your boyfriend that lives down the street or, the baby mama with all the drama. You don't even notice the hurt in your kids eyes wondering why her daddy never came home or, why her mama is sitting on the porch steps all alone. So put the gun down my sisters and my brothers because all it is, is fear. Fear of not knowing what the next day holds, because it's fear that makes you go blind and not being to see through the wrong and go towards the right. It's fear that makes you strong but, then it can also make you weak. Its guns that make you weak but, words that make you strong. Like Martin Luther King, I has a dream that all races of life will be in harmony. I had a dream that kids would not have daddy issues and moms who are addicts. I had a dream that more kids would get their education and, not sitting on their mamas couch smoking weed. So put the gun down my sisters and my brothers. Lets put more smiles on our children's faces, and make our parents proud for graduation instead of crying over us laying in a casket because, we did not change the outcome of the situation.

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