Coming down | Teen Ink

Coming down

October 11, 2014
By TasteMyPoisonedMind BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
TasteMyPoisonedMind BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't judge a book by its cover, you have no idea how the story begins nor ends."

We're coming down
Coming down
From the sky above the see
Coming down From the high tops of the tree
Coming down from the high we say we need
Coming down from something terrifying indeed
We're coming down
Yeah we're coming down

Yeah we're coming down but little did we know
Where all this was going to go
Where it was all going to lead
All we cared about  was filling the monster inside of us with greed
With weed
And the need
Of feeling any type of high
Escaping what was going wrong in our lifes
Taking a hit everyday
Watching as we're smoking our lifes away
Trying to set our problems free
When really we're releasing the monsters who we now call you and me

We're coming down
Coming down
From the sky above the sea
Coming down from the high tops of the tree
Coming down from our high that we say we need
Coming down from something terrifying indeed
We're coming down
Yeah we're coming down

Everyday we smoke weed
But no one seem's to see
What its doing to you
What its doing to me
When you take a puff
Do you think twice
No because all you care about is living the high life
We find every type of way to get high
But we never take the time to ask why
Ask why we smoke everyday
Do you realize we're giving our life away
Living the high life only works for so long
Thinking we can escape our problems from that but we're wrong
Once the high goes down And we're sober again
We're back to our problems once again
Now tell me do you want to smoke and run away from our problems
Or stay sober and overcome them
We all know weed is a gateway drug
So why smoke it if more problems will become
All i'm saying is put down the bowl
Come on lets go
Leave the drugs where they are
We don't have to smoke them anymore
We're coming down
Coming down
From the sky above the sea
Yeah we're coming down from the last high we'll ever need

The author's comments:

I wrote this peace because I know a lot of people have drug problems and I hate seeing people in that position. So I wrote this on how I feel about this topic.

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