Song Parody | Teen Ink

Song Parody

October 13, 2014
By OrangeDuckTape BRONZE, Santa Rosa, California
OrangeDuckTape BRONZE, Santa Rosa, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live Life to the Funnest!

Turn It Around

The French repeated
Using our money now we are broke and starting to die
All we needed
Was to stop using money on things we couldn't
And we went in debt now its out turn
waiting till out time to show

We are split
To 3 social classes
The other classes over power
The third estate
Cant wait
To turn this all around

The classes conflicted
As the 3rd Estate bonded into with out a sound
They wanted to fix this
But the Tennis Court was the last straw
And then the storming of the bastille
Caught everyones eye
And that was the start of the turn
Waiting when to move

They National Assembly
Took the First step
To start the Revo
To turn this
Unfairness around

They got all scared
We held our heads high
And then in Paris a radical replaced the royalist liars
We used other’s ideas
and then made our own Declaration
The King got scared of those girls
They went after him, to go bring him down
So he let them all take some bread

And the Revo had some wars
When things started to burn

And it was the Jacobins turn
Trying to work the Revo

They executed The King
To show their power
Robespierre enforced Public Safety
They now could start
To cutting peoples heads off
To enforce the revolution

When it was the Directory turn
And they fanned Napoleon
Into his success

We can’t wait
To turn it all around!

The author's comments:

This is a song parody of Linkin Park Burn it Down changed to talk about revolution.

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