Life's A War | Teen Ink

Life's A War

November 19, 2014
By Music_Is_Life110112 BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Music_Is_Life110112 BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Wrists are for bracelets, not for cutting&quot;<br /> ~Kellin Quinn

He's on his knees
Trying to overcome this pain
How can he smile
When he has a loaded gun
Pointed at his skull?
He thinks of his family
And how broken it is
But just wait

Let's just sit and wait
Wait for our life to get better
I bet you know
that your life is a war
You either succeed
or die trying to overcome
Every f***ing war
You’re just a walking, ticking time bomb
Waiting to explode
But just hold on tightly
You can overcome
This living war
Your life is a war

She's on the floor
With a blade in her hand
She can hear the screams outside her door
Dragging it across her skin
SHe smiles a pained smile
But how can she smile
When her little brother will be alone?
But just wait


They will be missed
They will be remembered
For the battles they have lost
Just wait a damn second

Drop the gun
Drop the blade
It's all going to be okay
It's just a war
You can win
If you just try
Don't let the demons win
They will go away
You just gotta wait


The author's comments:

I was trying not to do something I would regret, so I wrote a song that expressed what I needed. I changed some words around and made it into this.

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