Holiday Heartbreak | Teen Ink

Holiday Heartbreak

December 27, 2014
By AddieLayne SILVER, Knoxville, Tennessee
AddieLayne SILVER, Knoxville, Tennessee
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Why wait on the world to change when you can change the world?

When the stockings have been hung

and the carols have been sung,

my mind will wander to a far away place,

somewhere out in space.


When I find myself here

I can no longer think clear,

so I'll sing a sad song

and I'll stay too long.


The fog is slowly lifting and I'm starting to see

the way we were can no longer be.

You have me trapped in your grip, please let me go,

for my heart has never felt this low.


Holiday heartbreak surrounds,

its patronizing feel is all around.

But for one night I'll forget about you

and wait for Santa to come when the night sky turns blue.

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