Soulmate | Teen Ink


February 19, 2015
By Alex Kelly BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Alex Kelly BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There once was this girl, she is my freaking world, the cutest girl ever, the one I don’t deserve. We used to be so happy, everything we ever did we always did it laughing. But after I ruined her, reality comes back and slaps me. My conscious screams back and says this is your fault all this is happening. I open my eyes and see her crying, sitting on the edge of my bed, her head throbbing and she’s whining, we both know i messed s*** up but she doesn’t think i’m trying. The worst part of it all is now i see it all clearly. everything I wanted is right near me. Knowing that if i didn’t mess up she would still love me dearly, but now that what’s done is done there is no peace. No peace at heart, and theres no more trust; we fall apart and my heart will bust. If i were her i’d spit in my face, for all the s*** I put on her plate, put her heart in harms way; worst of all I lost my soul mate.

The author's comments:

It was originally supposed to be a rap, and i was supposed to record it and show it to my girlfriend, however, we ended up working things out so i took this peice and made it into a poem

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