When I Look at You | Teen Ink

When I Look at You

May 25, 2015
By YoMaMaGooGle BRONZE, Alkol, West Virginia
YoMaMaGooGle BRONZE, Alkol, West Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I look into your eyes, I see the moon and stars

When I look at you, your beauty shines like the sun

Your everything a guy could ask for

I never want to loose you

I couldn't live without you

This is just who I am

When I look at you my eyes shine like shooting stars

I couldn't live my life without you girl

When you say my name

I hear angels sing

I love you so much

Your in every dream I dream

in every song I sing

if it weren't for you, I couldn't do this

you give me the strength 

to sing this song

I don't know what I would do without you by my side

your perfect in every way

if I could give you the world I would 

because that's what you mean to me

i would die for you

when I look at you I see a person I would love forever with

i love you

when I look at you, I see everything I ever wanted


when I look at you, I get butterflies in my stomach

when I kiss you my mind goes blank

when we got married

we had a little baby

and she grew up just like you

when I look at her I see a very successful girl

when I look into her eyes I see a light that could fill the world

you wouldn't believe what happened 18 years later

she grew up and got married

When I look at her life, I see a reflection of ours

when I look at you, the future rushes to my head

when I look at you life couldn't be better

because I looked at you

The author's comments:

The only thing I needed to write this was  thought of the perfect girl that filled my heart!

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