The Same Song | Teen Ink

The Same Song

May 27, 2015
By Alore BRONZE, Bluffdale, Utah
Alore BRONZE, Bluffdale, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
She needed a hero so that's what she became.

You never understood a heart like mine,
You never let me in and now I see why.
You never thought I'd be worth anything at all
You tore me in a million pieces just waiting for me to fall.

So tell me where did I go wrong?
Should I have known all along...
That I never really was that strong?
Guess we were never meant to sing the same song.

You pushed me down, you never thought I'd be...
Someone who could change the world,
Or become anything.
It's hard to believe in yourself when nobody else does
I gave you everything I had, but it was never good enough.

So tell me where did I go wrong?
Should I have known along...
That I never really was that strong?
Guess we were never meant to sing the same song.

And I blame myself for believing,
That I could ever make you change.
I tried so hard to save you,
But broke myself along the way.

So tell me where I went wrong,
I guess I should have known all along...
That I never really was that strong.
Guess some people aren't meant to sing the same song.

The author's comments:

For anyone who has dealt with the loss of heartbreak and the realization that some people aren't meant to be together...and that's okay. Some people just aren't meant to sing the same song.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 2 2015 at 4:36 pm
Moon_Wolf BRONZE, London, Other
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;No one is ever who you want them to be.&quot;<br /> Dash &amp; Lily&rsquo;s Book Of Dares by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan

Wow. These are really good. I can already picture music to this. This is awesome. I think you need an accompaniment to go with it now.