In the Hands of Hel pt. I: Soldiers of the Snow | Teen Ink

In the Hands of Hel pt. I: Soldiers of the Snow

September 26, 2015
By Karjo2000 BRONZE, Benton, Illinois
Karjo2000 BRONZE, Benton, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

O Luna, how she glistens in the night
My blade in my hand as I prepare for the fight
The battle for my queen to preserve the empire
My heart made of steel and my soul burning fire

My brethren and I start to rush for their hordes
Out 'cross the fields and out by the fjords
Crimson adorns the ground covered in snow
Fathers and brothers fall, their hearts filled with woe

Blood drips from my blade as they fall to their knees
The empire of mine I shall not let them seize
In the midst of my slaughter I fail to see
The enemy soldier approaching behind me

Fury begins to surge through my veins
I fall to the ground, acquainted with pain
My life begins to flash before my eyes
Plagued with suffering but refusing to cry

Tonight I meet the gods, they're waiting for me
Tonight is the night that I will see
What an angel feels like, flying high in the sky
I accept my fate with open arms, and thus I die

The author's comments:

In the Hands of Hel is relatively different from my usual literary work. It is intended to be a series of poems interconnected to form an epic. This is part one, Soldiers of the Snow, which details the death of a Nordic soldier, as he eagerly awaits to meet the Gods.

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