Static - verse 1 | Teen Ink

Static - verse 1

October 10, 2015
By Alithegreat BRONZE, Fairview, Tennessee
Alithegreat BRONZE, Fairview, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Guess whose here to get your heads bumpin/
Guess whose here to get your heads rushin/
Quit your fussin/
Walking down the street heavily drunken/
Everyone crowds around me like they want somethin/
One day I picked up a pen all the sudden/
Then it happened, someone went and hit the red button/
And they put me into this dark and empty dungeon/
Now quit your talkin people it's time to kick the bucket/
Me and Izzy Odom, hotter than an oven/The words that come outta my mouth, you gotta love it/
If you dont you can go right ahead and stuff it/
I can't hear the crowd, yall all sound muffled/
Either that of I'm deaf/
But in the end Imma be the wrong one to test/
I'm guessin I was blessed when I was pulled through this mess/
I had to use a mic to express/
The thoughts going through my head/

The author's comments:

Was going to write it for school talent show, but decided to put it here too.

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