Unextinguishable | Teen Ink


August 30, 2021
By avegrace PLATINUM, Houston, Texas
avegrace PLATINUM, Houston, Texas
34 articles 57 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Psalm 82:3

I am a flame, blazing bright

As I crackle & glow, boldly burn

I serve as my own guiding light

Dont mess with me, or there's a lesson to learn


Coursing & crackling, multihued

Within me lies a spark

Never to be subdued

A light that can't be overcome by the dark


Flickering, glowing

Wild, untamed

Determination keeps my fire forever going

Vibrant & free, bold, unashamed 


Unextinguishable flame, forever to burn

Attempts to put out just ignite embers in return

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