Orange Crush by Tim Dorsey | Teen Ink

Orange Crush by Tim Dorsey

May 1, 2009
By TJ Lauser BRONZE, Wallingford, Pennsylvania
TJ Lauser BRONZE, Wallingford, Pennsylvania
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Orange Crush by Tim Dorsey takes place in twenty first century Florida, during an election. Throughout the novel, Dorsey brings us to several notable locations – Tallahassee, Orlando, Miami, and Tampa. The characters visit these places in an attempt to gather votes.
Dorsey begins the novel by introducing readers to the two candidates. Gomer Tatum is the Democratic challenger, and Marlon Conrad is the Republican incumbent. The race is a close one right down to the end, and both men do their best to gain the advantage. Marlon travels around Florida his tour bus, the Orange Crush, to gather supporters. Along the way, Dorsey uses an odd collection of minor characters. This strange cast includes the wealthy Helmut von Zeppelin, detective Mahoney, and the infamous murderer Serge Storms.
What sets Orange Crush aside from most novels is its comical nature. Every page is littered with jokes. Though it may appear to be on a serious subject, the book is completely off the wall. Serious debates between the two candidates quickly turn into hilarious insults on all sorts of political ideologies. Dorsey spares no viewpoint, left or right, from his comical wrath. Orange Crush is a satirical portrayal of Florida politics, and it is the type of novel that will keep readers laughing until to the end.
While reading Orange Crush, I felt jovial. I can't remember how many times Dorsey's writing made me burst into laughter. Even late at night, when my parents were trying to get some rest, this novel made me cackle with glee. The novel is simply loaded with comical scenes and brilliant jokes. No matter what style of humor one prefers – dry, dark, sexual – it is included in this book.
Anyone who enjoys comedy or politics should pick up a copy of Orange Crush. Dorsey mixes the two elements perfectly. However, anyone who takes offense to insults about their personal beliefs would be wise to steer clear of the novel. It is an excellent novel for teenagers and young adults due to the insane atmosphere Dorsey creates, as well as the countless sexual puns.


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