Lucas by Kevin Brooks | Teen Ink

Lucas by Kevin Brooks

May 12, 2009
By MoonLightBelladonna BRONZE, Llangefni, Other
MoonLightBelladonna BRONZE, Llangefni, Other
4 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Out of all novels by Kevin Brooks, 'Lucas' has to be the best of the best. It tops my list of favourite works and will do for a long time.

It tells the story of Caitlin, whose world is turned upside down by the arrival of Lucas, a blue-eyed boy with good intentions and a definite eye for Caitlin.

The whole story, even though told from Caitlin's point of view, revolves around how others view Lucas.Whenever something bad happends, he is always blamed. Whenever he does anything good (which is, always) it is turned against him. Until, he forced to retire from the village and live on his own.

This beautiful wonde of a book will keep you on the edge of your seat; and for those of you who enjoy a bit of passion, the romance between Lucas and Caitlin will capture your heart.

Steeped in serious real-life matter and emotionally engaging, 'Lucas' will leave you with only one thing - tears on your pillows at night. I found this book incredibly moving and so striking I could not think of nothing else for days.

I defnitely give Kevin Brook's 'Lucas' ten out of ten. It's a worthwhile read for everyone.


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on May. 14 2009 at 6:26 pm
MoonLightBelladonna BRONZE, Llangefni, Other
4 articles 0 photos 4 comments