The Schwa Was Here | Teen Ink

The Schwa Was Here

June 4, 2009
By BRONZE, West Linn, Oregon BRONZE, West Linn, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Have you ever felt the strange feeling when you know someone is watching you? Well that's how Anthony Bonaro met Calvin Schwa. The Schwa Was Here describes the two boys' friendship and their struggle to find out what really happened to Calvin's mother, who strangely disappeared in the local supermarket. Calvin Schwa is “functionally invisible” to most people in the city of Brooklyn New York; but there are still a few people who can see him.

Mr. Crawley is one of those people. Mr. Crawley owns an expensive restaurant and lives upstairs. He is extremely rich but very lonely. Calvin Schwa was dared to break into his house without being seen, and take one of his many dogs' dog bowls and bring it to the lot across the street. But Mr. Crawley catches him in the act. What will the boys' punishment be? This amazing story has a twist on every corner that keeps you sitting on the edge of your seat wanting to know what is coming next.

The author, Neal Shusterman, has a way with connecting with the reader to feel like Anthony is telling the story right to you. He makes it personal and I can relate to their school life with my own. I hope you can relate to this book as much as I did, or even more, when you read this book.

This mysterious novel expresses the theme of friendship through the two young boys and other characters throughout the novel. I enjoy the way Neal Shusterman shows the ups and downs of their friendship instead of just telling what the reader what they want to hear. It gives the story a realistic feel while making it unsolved at the same time.

The Schwa Was Here is an interesting novel that grabs the reader. It sucks them into a thrilling story to find what happened to Calvin's mother and what Mr. Crawley will do to the boys after they got caught. To read this fascinating novel, visit your local library or bookstore and read The Schwa Was Here.


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