Well That was Awkward | Teen Ink

Well That was Awkward

February 24, 2022
By 25cw01 SILVER, St. Paul, Minnesota
25cw01 SILVER, St. Paul, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The stove is a bit like a servant. You have to whack it sometimes to get it to work." - Count Olaf

Just as a warning this review will include spoilers. 

"GRACIE: Emmett?


GRACIE: was it always, I mean… were you the one who, when AJ and Sienna were texting… 

EMMETT: We should meet up tomorrow at the cafe and talk

GRACIE: yeah sure sounds good

EMMETT: May take me a while to fall asleep.

GRACIE: same here



EMMETT: Stay whelmed.”

“Completely overwhelmed. Like cannot even blink, is how much beyond whelmed I am. 

Would not make a travel blinking team. 


No way.

But at the same time:

Of course.

Of course.”  

That’s the cliffhanger that made me hate and love this book. The book is called Well That was Awkward. It’s about a girl named Gracie who gets caught in an extreme love triangle. Gracie is very introverted while her best friend, Sienna, is very extroverted. This makes the book fun-loving and intriguing because Sienna gets Gracie into all these uncomfortable situations for an introvert like herself. Because this book is about a love triangle, it makes the plot an extreme nail-biter, with all the ups and downs of this roller coaster story it will leave anyone wanting more. Now with that killer cliffhanger, anyone can already assume it’s a roller coaster of a buildup to get to that. Throughout the book, there’s a lot of growth in each character so thinking back to the beginning the change is really noticeable.

In the cliffhanger at the end it's Sienna admitting that Gracie’s been the one who AJ has been talking and flirting with the whole time. In the book, Sienna was never really an honest character, there were numerous times where she would lie but all her lies were protecting others. Nonetheless, it was really good to see her come out as an honest person. Along with Sienna's character showing immense change, so was Emmett. AJ admitted that Emmett was telling him what to say to her and it turns out both AJ and Sienna were anxious to talk to each other. When he did admit he was uneasy about talking to her it brought out a heartfelt side to AJ that I’m honestly glad he has. He has a rough jock personality, but as you get closer to him he’s more heartfelt. At first, Emmett was only helping sometimes but later on Emmett was replying to everything because of how anxious AJ was. Emmett is a really go-with-the-flow kind of person and would do anything for his friends so it was no shocker that Emmett was helping AJ in such a way. Now as I said before Gracie is an introvert and she loves her quiet space and hanging out with very few people at a time but with this roller coaster of a plot, she gets put through so many extrovert situations.

Some of the extrovert situations include how she has a dead sister apparently? The author mentions little to no details about her not really making her a key point or focus. It’s based on Gracie, and her best friend, Sienna. Bret mostly comes in as Gracie’s biggest stress giver. It’s the usual big older sister who’s a great example and the younger sister is just her shadow mentality. After Bret’s death, Gracie wasn’t a shadow anymore but being so used to that lifestyle the book explains how she doesn’t know how to be herself. She’s always just been ‘Bret’s sister’, but now she’s just Gracie. To recap, Emmett was texting for AJ and Gracie was texting for Sienna. The plot thickens because in book two will Emmett and Gracie start dating? Will it be a little awkward and possibly ruin their friendship? 

With all that drama happening that was only the rising action, but the cliffhanger gives so many questions that really pull the reader in. For instance, Gracie has a crush on AJ but AJ likes Sienna, but then Emmett comes in and likes Gracie! And Sienna doesn’t want to tell Gracie that she likes AJ back because she wants to be a good friend and let Gracie date him. The book ended on the climax and I can’t wait to read the second book because I’m sure it’ll pick up where it left off. The plot has been really enjoyable, though I must say it brings in new, sometimes random, details just to keep you intrigued. In one part in the book, Gracie gets a pet hamster and takes it to the park to play, but she ends up losing it and goes home to cry. Then she thinks she’s an irresponsible untrustworthy person causing herself to break down. And when people try to help her she pushes them away and prays for Bret to help her. This circles back to how she’s still grieving the death of her sister, because she died when Gracie was at a young tender age. But I really think the book can be relatable with many teens and I would recommend it to anybody interested in a book with crazy love triangles.  

In summary of this fantastic book’s balanced-out characters, such as; Sienna being an extrovert and Gracie being an introvert. The crazy plot consists of Gracie’s dead sister, losing her pet, Gracie possibly finding love at the end? And finally, the cliffhanger. I can’t express how much I adore and despise the ending of this book. It leaves you on a cliffhanger that you can’t wait to get your hands on the second book! But I absolutely adore and recommend this book because you will never be unsatisfied with it and you will never feel bored when reading this book. Now as I’ve said before I haven’t read the second book, I have yet to. If the second one doesn’t carry on where it left off and just starts in another rising action it will truly be a long ride. But it will definitely be worth reading. 

The author's comments:

This is a very good book and I highly recommend it. It never left me feeling like there needed to be more it had everything to keep the reader intrigued and interested. 


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