The Fighting Ground | Teen Ink

The Fighting Ground

June 9, 2009
By Anonymous

The book I am reading is called the Fighting Ground. The book is by Avi. The book takes place in England on a battle field. The story starts out with a boy named Jonathon who wants to go to war like his older brother and cousin. However, Jonathon is only 13 years old and his mom and dad didn’t want him to go to war because they were worried he was to young to fight the British army and he might die. Jonathon has always wanted to fight in the army but was to young. So in the mean time, he would take his dad‘s old gun and go shoot at targets. One Monday morning, the bell rang in the town and anyone who wanted to fight or who had already fought needed to go to the bell house and line up with an outfit and a gun. While Jonathon was working in his dad’s field, he heard the bell. Jonathon knew where his dad’s suit and gun were located. Even though his mom and dad did not want him to go into the army, he grabbed his dad’s suit and gun and ran out the door to the bell house.

When Jonathon arrived to the bell house he was excepted into the army by the Corporal. Even though Jonathon ran away, his parents were not scared because they knew where he was because the dad’s suit and gun were missing. On the way to the battle field, with the other soldiers, Jonathon recognized some of his dad’s friends that fought with him. One of Jonathon’s dad’s friends asked him if he had permission from his dad and mom to go and fight with the army. Jonathon lied and said, “Yes, my mom and dad said I could go to the army with my dad’s suit and gun and fight the British.” When Jonathon and the rest of the men arrived to the battle field, they all shot at different times and had to reload. The British had already loaded and were ready to fire, when Jonathon was trying to reload. It took him to long so he decided to run back home with some of his friends. Right after they left, the General yelled, “Retreat.” The English army left to go back to their home town, even though the British won. Only a few English men died.


Avi was born in 1937 in Brooklyn, New York. He is married and has sons. Avi received his name from his twin sister when they were infants. His family did want him to become a writer, so instead of placing his name and family member names on his books, he just went by Avi. Avi started to become interested in writing when he was a high school senior. When Avi was a kid, he liked to read, build models and go to friends house, but did not like to play in sports.


This article has 1 comment.

tor10jax GOLD said...
on Jul. 13 2009 at 11:23 pm
tor10jax GOLD, Livingston, New Jersey
10 articles 0 photos 143 comments
This is was a summary, not a review. It has made me want to read the book but I still want to know if it was good or not.

Keep writing!