The Five People You Meet in Heaven | Teen Ink

The Five People You Meet in Heaven

July 13, 2009
By bookcrazy PLATINUM, Rocky Hill, Connecticut
bookcrazy PLATINUM, Rocky Hill, Connecticut
35 articles 0 photos 11 comments

The book, The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom, provides an interesting perceptive of death and heaven. It is about an old man who works at an amusement park called Ruby Pier. Throughout his life he feels he didn't do anything worthwhile for others, and that his life was a waste, that he was a waste. He dies and goes to heaven. And I tell you, that's not where the story ends; it actually begins there. In heaven, he will meet five people who will show him how their life was linked to his in the most unexpected ways. Heaven, Mitch Albom explains, is where you analyze you life, and find peace within this realization and final understanding. It's a quick and simple read, but there is meaning behind every word. I liked it.


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