Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen | Teen Ink

Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

October 1, 2009
By oinkoinkdoodel BRONZE, San Francisco, California
oinkoinkdoodel BRONZE, San Francisco, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sense and Sensibility is a tale of love, sisterhood, trust, and lies. As Jane Austen’s first published novel written in the 1800’s, this interesting book depicts the story of two sisters in England looking for marriage. Marianne is a lively, curious, and troublemaking seventeen-year-old. While her sister, Elinor, is a mature yet surprising woman of nineteen. Both sisters have interesting relationships with men, whether they are good or bad. Marianne has two suitors; John Willoughby and Colonel Brandon. But Marianne doesn’t know that Willoughby impregnated, then abandoned, the Colonel’s dead girlfriend’s daughter. And Elinor doesn’t know that her crush, Edward Ferrars is-and was for five years- engaged to a friend’s cousin. Who will marry who? Betrayals, sickness, and distress is not promising for the Dashwood sisters, Marianne and Elinor. But don’t assume the ending – because anything can change everything.

I love clique books, and so do many other thirteen-year-old girls I know, and this book is an example of an1800’s clique book. There is lots of drama between the sisters, and throughout the book, I didn’t know how events in their lives would impact their relationship. But it’s your job to find out – and whether or not they stick together in the end like true sisters do. Although skeptical about whether I would have difficulty reading a book from the 1800’s, I found it both accessible and applicable to my age. This book will please any teenage girl – or boy – who reads it, because it is so entertaining and there is always something new to read that prevents you from putting it down. Jane Austen does a wonderful job of describing the characters and the situations they may be in. So don’t let the densely-packed pages fool you, because then you’d really be missing out.


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