Speak by Lorry Anderson | Teen Ink

Speak by Lorry Anderson

December 17, 2009
By Dan G. BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Dan G. BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
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The book Speak from Lorry Anderson is one of the most dreadful book novels that I’ve ever read. It’s about this girl named Melinda who crashes an end-of-year party by calling the cops. Now a freshman in high school gets picked and bullied on throughout the year. So instead of talking to her friends, she talks to herself. Also throughout the book, Melinda builds up character, but lowers on her grades. The main subject that she talks about all the time is her teachers, friends, and how she looks and feels about herself. Melinda is a really shy person in the book.

My personal opinion of the book was bad for me. I say that because the book had no happy or exiting parts in it. The book was just depressing and some parts of the book, the author kept on talking about Melinda and her issues. Especially her friends and teachers. The only good part of the book was at the end were Melinda becomes popular. What I had liked about the book was when character building took place after Melinda. That made me think of myself being made fun of when you are still not stupid or dumb or whatever people call you. That lesson in the book helped me in life when I was in those situations. Back to the hatred of the book. The problem with the author’s style resembles to Melinda’s school schedule. For example there are four parts in the book, and those parts are divided into school quarters. I hate thinking about school.

Anyway this book overall was….I guess okay. This book would be good for most feminine people; there were no masculine parts about it. Readers that are really emotional or struggling with life would enjoy this book too. But I personally think that the author made this book especially good for teens. Feminine teens.


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