Repossessed | Teen Ink


December 21, 2009
By Sharp SILVER, Dell Rapids, South Dakota
Sharp SILVER, Dell Rapids, South Dakota
5 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Repossessed - The first thing he did was stole a body. The demon that stole a body is living a normal life now. Now, he goes to school, has a family, eats normal food, and does everything else that a normal human does. He also has a crush on this girls that goes to his school and he does everything he can to have contact with her. Will this demon succeed as a human?

“Shaun lives a normal life now that he has a human body. He has real friends, a real family, and now a new girlfriend.

To me, the book was pretty good. There were many events all happening at one time, making the reader want to focus more and keep reading more of the story. I also thought the book was well written in an organized fashion and very easy to follow along with.

A.M. Jenkins did a nice job on crating the characters. He made them a little different from normal characters which made them stand out in a way. My favorite character in the book was probably Jason, Shaun’s brother. I liked his brother because he had a sense of humor.

Repossessed is the perfect fiction book for teens to read, and it also has some funny parts included. I think it is worth wasting your time to read this book.

The author's comments:
i wrote this story because i really liked the book.


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