The Island | Teen Ink

The Island

February 9, 2010
By idontread94 BRONZE, Milo, Maine
idontread94 BRONZE, Milo, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Island by Gary Paulsen The story starts out when Wil Neuton, a 15 year old boy and his parents move to Wisconsin because of a better job for his dad and a better location for the family. When they get to their new house they get settled in and Wil meets a girl named Susan that lives down the road from him she is 15 too and likes the same stuff as Wil does. They get to be really good friends and one day Wil finds a island that he likes very much and he later decides that he wants to live there for a while and try to learn about wildlife since nobody can get him off the island because he likes it so much and this makes his mom and dad worried about him. One day he sees somebody spying on him from the other side of the lake and he finds out that it is his dad. When they meet and apologize to each other Wil asked his parents if they would like to spend some time with him on the island. The story took place on a small island in a lake called Sucker lane Wisconsin during the summer. I liked the book because it took place in a little town like Milo at it was written by Gary Paulsen and he's a wicked good author.

The author's comments:
My teacher made me write this review. Now I'm happy I did cause I think I did a good job.


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