The Diary of Anne Frank by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett | Teen Ink

The Diary of Anne Frank by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett

April 19, 2010
By KennedyC95 BRONZE, Hinton, West Virginia
KennedyC95 BRONZE, Hinton, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Diary of Anne Frank is a biography written by Anne Frank, but was rewrote and edited by the actors Frances Goodrich, and Albert Hackett. They then made the diary into a play. This takes place during World War II during the Holocaust in Amsterdam. Anne Frank wrote her diary while in the Secret Annex.
In the biography of Anne Frank there were many unique characters. Mr. and Mrs. Frank and their two daughters Anne and Margot. Mr. and Mrs. Van Daan and their son Peter. Dussel was a homeless, Jewish man who later moved in to the Secret Annex. Mr. Kraler and Miep were the two kind people who allowed them all to stay in hiding in their Secret Annex above their bank.
The plot of The Diary of Anne Frank is very suspensful, and nerve racking , because you never know if they’re going to get caught or if something is about to happen. The Franks and the Van Daan’s were all in a little space where they had to be quiet, and had be very still through the days. They had to set through scary noises, such as sirens and soldiers marching and chanting.
The story is about a young Jewish girl who is forced to stay in hiding to prevent going to a Concentration Camp. She is living with her family, another family, and another Jewish man. Although she has been through the Holocaust Anne Frank believes people are good at heart, and is forgiving toward them.
This story was one of my favorites. I enjoyed it a lot, it was a little sad, because of the situation she and the rest of the Jewish people had to go through. I found it very inspiring that she tried to make the best of her horrible situation and that she still believed people were kind and good deep down. I would recommend my family, and my friends that haven’t read this or seen it to do so!

The author's comments:
This story is one of my favorites!


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