Battle of the Bands by K.L. Denman | Teen Ink

Battle of the Bands by K.L. Denman

June 8, 2010
By creatose BRONZE, Richfield,MN, Minnesota
creatose BRONZE, Richfield,MN, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Battle of the Bands

My book is Battle of the Bands. The stars in this book are Kel, Cia, Jay, and Kelvin. Jay is the lead guitarist, Cia is the drummer, Kelvin is the bassist, and Amy is Kelvin’s girlfriend, but they all really don’t like her that much because she talks way too much. There are a lot of emotions in the story and a lot of ups and downs that Jay, Cia and Kelvin go through. Jay’s band is called the Lunar Ticks. The Lunar Ticks want to win the Battle of the Bands at the end of the school year. In the mean time they go through lots of fighting and practicing. One of their goals is to beat this band called Indigo Daze. But Jay likes this girl, who is the lead guitarist for “Indigo Daze”. One of the things that Jay likes to do is to sleep at parks and one of these times he runs into a homeless guy. He writes a song about it, called “You’re Dead”. The thing that I liked the most about this book is that these kids try so hard to win this battle. They practice and practice and go through so much stuff (like girls and the cops and school) that they really don’t have the time to practice as much as they would like.

All in all, I think that this was a fairly good book. There’s a nice little twist at the end and I hope that they make another book on the battle of the bands.


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