Lies. by Michael Grant | Teen Ink

Lies. by Michael Grant

October 11, 2010
By ksudana BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
ksudana BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Michael Grant’s Gone series can rival books of the likes of Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings. He has built a series that is packed with suspense, action, and drama. This all starts with the book Gone. In this book, all adults and teenagers over the age of 15 in Perdido Beach, California mysteriously disappear. Some kids develop powers, such as shooting light out of their hands. Sam Temple is forced to take over the town, but faces obstacles such as his brother Caine, and a creature called the Darkness. In Hunger, the sequel to Gone, food is running out, the Darkness has taken over Caine’s mind, and a boy named Zil has created a gang, called the human crew, which is against “freaks”, or the people who have developed powers. Sam and Caine then kill the Darkness and the psychopath named Drake, or so they thought.

In the third book of this action-packed saga, Lies, the human crew has taken half of the town, and plan to take the whole town in a plan with Caine. Caine’s real plan is to use the attack on the town as a diversion, so he can get to an island that his accomplice Bug told him about. His idea is that there might be food on the island, but when Caine gets there, he finds that it is already inhabited by 5 children. Diana must do all she can to ensure that Caine doesn’t hurt the innocent children.

Back at Perdido Beach, chaos reigns. Zil and the Human crew have set the town on fire, and are going around shooting everyone. There is talk that Drake has come back from the dead, and when Sam finds out this is true, he runs for it. He leaves Perdido Beach, terrified that the monster Drake will come to whip him again. Astrid is then forced to take charge, and finds out that it is not as easy as it looks.

It doesn’t end there. Orsay, who has the power to see other people’s dreams, says that the way to get out of the FAYZ is by dying. Many people believe her, including Mary, the caretaker of all the small children. Astrid is determined to convince everyone that Orsay is wrong, and that they should stay alive in the FAYZ. Her only solution is to lie to everyone, and all this does is make everyone in Perdido Beach hate her more than they already do. Everyone wants to know where Sam went, and she has no answer for them. You do not know who to trust in the FAYZ.

If you think it couldn’t get worse, you’re dead wrong. When Astrid goes to Little Pete, he lets her into his game. What she finds is that the Darkness is not dead, and has been battling Little Pete on his game all this time!

It is up to Astrid to get everyone together and finally shut down the human crew, stop Mary from killing all the little children, and kill the monster Drake that is walking around. But can she do all this without Sam?

The author's comments:
This book is a great read and I recommend it to adults and teens everywhere.


This article has 2 comments.

on Oct. 22 2010 at 11:33 pm
Healing_Angel SILVER, Sydney, Other
8 articles 2 photos 509 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live for today, not for tomorrow

Great job with the review overall, but you gave away a bit too much of the plot! ll you need is some analysis of the book(or series) and this will be fine. Keep writing!   

Kidboyman said...
on Oct. 19 2010 at 11:08 am
I love this series and I can not wait for the next one