Thirteen by Lauren Myracle | Teen Ink

Thirteen by Lauren Myracle

November 18, 2010
By chloe demeo BRONZE, Morristown, New Jersey
chloe demeo BRONZE, Morristown, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Thirteen is teen novel. There are a series of books that come before Thirteen, they are called, Eleven, and Twelve. The genres of this book are romance, drama, family, and a lot of humor. The main characters are Winnie, Lars, Ty, Dinah, Cinnamon ad Sandra.

Winnie is the main character and she is daring and filled with compassion. Winnie has finally reached her thirteenth birthday. She doesn’t think life could get any better, but she soon begins to realize that being thirteen has its ups and downs. She has two wonderful best friends, Dinah and Cinnamon, and an amazing boyfriend, Lars.

Everyday is a new adventure for this fun teenager. Her six year-old brother, Ty, always has unusual questions, and it seems that sometimes he will only listen to Winnie.
Then there’s her sister, Sandra, who’s in hr senior year of high school and is moody most
of the time.
Over the course of her thirteenth year, Winnie faces lots of new things, each one exciting in its own way. Even though life sometimes gets a little hectic, Winnie knows she loves being thirteen. Winnie is really down to earth and very likeable. Anyone who has passed the age of thirteen could easily relate to a lot of the issues that she faced, and it was easy to laugh along with her.

In the beginning of the series, there’s a scene where Winnie and her mum go bra shopping together. Winnie is so embarrassed to be seen in public with her mum. Any girl that age would feel the exact same way if that happened. No teen girl wants to go shopping with their mum. It’s not a cool thing to do.

Another scene is when Winnie loses her best friend. She is heartbroken and sad.
They did everything together, then she was gone. Fortunately, Winnie finds new best friends and they get along great together. Winnie continues to live a happy life with very respectful people around her.

Later on in the book, Winnie meets a new boy in school, his name is Lars. He is smart, funny, cute and respectful. The two of them begin to date for a while and soon fall deeply in love. Everyone says that they are the perfect couple.

This is a great book for any girl, young or old, and makes you see growing up in a fun way. I can’t wait to see if Winnie’s story continues.

This book was fun to read. Teens should read this book when they are thirteen, so they can easily relate to it. There are many scenes, like having a first kiss, losing friends, embarrassing moments, getting a boyfriend and shopping with mum. There were many similarities in the novel that have most of the same events that have happened during a thirteen year-old’s life.


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