Gandhi: His Life and Message for the World by Louis Fischer | Teen Ink

Gandhi: His Life and Message for the World by Louis Fischer

December 15, 2010
By j-featha BRONZE, Bedford, Indiana
j-featha BRONZE, Bedford, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Going into this book, I thought I had an idea who Gandhi was and what he was all about, but I was wrong. The only reason I even bought this book was for an assignment, because, well, It doesn't sound very exciting. I assumed it wasn't any better or worse than any other non-fiction book I could have chosen from, so I went for it. When I started my journey through Gandhi's life, I was astonished. The way Fischer connects times in his Gandhi's life is even well executed. Sure, it can be hard to follow at points, but the amount of thought it provokes is remarkable. From Gandhi's birth to death, he was an inspiration, and remains an icon for all people. "Gandhi: His Life and Message for the World," is written by Louis Fischer, a man close to Gandhi, about Gandhi and his life. Fischer starts the story with Gandhi's young life, and builds up to his final years. Throughout this historic sequence, it reveals Gandhi's philosophies and struggles in becoming Mahatma Gandhi. Whether you know anything about Gandhi or not, the book is under 200 pages and worthwhile.


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