Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen

January 10, 2011
By Anonymous

A troubled 17 year old girl named Ruby has no trust in no one, than herself. Going through life so far with no close friends by her side nor anyone to depend on. Sarah Dessen writes about an amazing and heart breaking journey of just one girl named Ruby Cooper, living in a yellow house with her careless and rude mother. Just trying to get through life without any troubles, Ruby soon realizes her life with her mother will come to an end. Once her life with her mother ends she is forced to move in with her older sister, Cora and her husband, Jamie. Although moving in with Cora is the last thing she would do.
Sarah Dessen uses the theme of trust in the book Lock and Key. Trust goes with the book Lock and Key because Ruby tries to avoid anything to do with the help of others. If there is times where others try to lend her a hand, she refuses. Now starting a new day at a new school, she is escorted inside by Jamie. As they walk inside Ruby looks around the school, trying to find any flaw. Right when Ruby’s class is over, a boy her age that lives next door to her asks her if she needed help to find her classes, and very fast came her response with a “no”. “I didn’t trust anyone. Not for directions, not for rides, and not for advice either”. That’s what Ruby say’s after having people approach her with sudden questions that she does not approve (72). Sarah Dessen yet makes a great book, as it gives you a view of how to be thankful for your life and a feeling of all 5 senses.
Lock and Key should be recommended to young adult readers over the age of 15. Also contains a couple of things that should not be read by young readers under the age of 15. A book that is to be believed to be similar to Lock and Key is Kissed by an Angel because they both have sort of the same problems. Lock and Key is such an amazing book it will leave you in tears and giggles. Lock and Key deserves a rating of 5 stars for such an outstanding book.


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