River Of Heaven by Lee Martin | Teen Ink

River Of Heaven by Lee Martin

January 10, 2011
By Anonymous

Imagine reading a book that it takes about almost a year to finish because of how disgusting it is. Not everyone loves to read, but when it comes to school, it’s a must. Teens have no choice, when it comes to high school reading is going to become a big part of their life because it is an everyday thing. Whenever they read, they should read something that excites them that makes them want to read so much they can’t even put the book down. River of Heaven a book filled with mysteries and thrills, so intense its hard to stop reading. A story of love, loss and loneliness. Suspense thrown on top of everything, which makes the book, put the reader in shock. Lee Martin, the author of River of heaven does a great job at grabbing the readers attention.
Lee Martin also does a great job at adding description; she makes the reader feel as if they are one of the characters in the book. Martin doesn’t just make the reader think it was a good book, Lee Martin also urges the reader to think what they would do if they were in one of the characters shoes. Sam Brady a man who is living on his own with his dog named Stump, not only dealing with a women’s death that doesn’t make sense “My head hurts” (12) and not even a second later, collapse to the floor dead. Sam is also trying to spend his days solving a mystery on how his friend Dewey died.
This book is similar to Searching for David’s heart they are both finding clues to a death. This was all in all a good book, anybody who loves books with suspense, mystery, and thrills, then River of Heaven would be a great book from them.


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