the adventures of tom sawyer by mark twain | Teen Ink

the adventures of tom sawyer by mark twain

January 10, 2011
By adrian lopez BRONZE, Prosser, Washington
adrian lopez BRONZE, Prosser, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Set in St.petersburg, Missouri around the late 1870’s, a young teen by the name of Tom Sawyer lives one of the most adventures lives. Living with his aunt Paully and a younger brother he declares himself as the man of the house, because no one else will. His friend huckleberry Finn is a teenager in rebellion mode who does whatever he wants. Tom’s life is all about adventure and being the top dog. And both of these kids influence each others life and choices.
Mark Twain releases adventure in every page, for example when Tom and Huck get together it makes the reader want to keep turning the page and reading. For a while its all fun and games until “suddenly there was a flash of light and Tom came tearing by him”,” RUN!” says he, “Run for your life” (170). Mark Twain lets the audience picture every scene using detail and keeps the reader interested using emotions, humor and a lot of suspense. And the way the author uses this is like no other and makes. The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer one of a kind.
At times this book does get a tad bit boring but, keep reading and this The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer will soon get very interesting. This book is recommended to those who like adventure and some suspense. The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer is very similar to The Extra Ordinary Adventures Of Alfred Kropp, because the title is very similar. Not to mention the setting also the opening scene and the style of writing. The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer was very interesting and was a real page turner. What the reader will like about this book is that it’s more than a book. It may even bring back memories to the reader and make them think.

The author's comments:
my teacher made me do it.


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