Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli | Teen Ink

Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli

January 11, 2011
By ChelseaSkearns18 BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
ChelseaSkearns18 BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“ Though I have no family of my own, I do not feel alone. I know that I am being watched. The echo of her laughter is the second sunrise I awaken to each day, and at night I feel it is more than stars looking down on me.” Stargirl is a heart warming and magical book. Stargirl Caraway is a young girl who is new to Mica Area High School. Everybody at the high school was all normal. Nobody was more different then someone else. Until Stargirl came she caught everybody's attention with her sandy hair her big eyes with no makeup and her strange clothes that made all heads turn. Gossip spread every where but Stargirl stayed the same. Before you know it Stargirl had changed the whole school and everybody loved her.

This book was not just another book for me. It taught me how much to treasure friendship. Whenever I think of Stargirl I get a smile on my face. She always stays in my mind. Jerry Spinelli did a terrific job in his writing. He is now my favorite author ever and I continue to read on to the sequel of Love, Stargirl. The book can be read by anybody of any age. I guarantee it will leave people with a big smile and a new perspective of lots of thing in life. I recommend this book to people who want to be heart warmed and who want to read about friendship and love. I promise who ever reads this book with enjoy every second of it. This book is a definite five stars.

The author's comments:
This book is so amazing. A book you will never forget. I wanted to write this review because I want people everywhere to read this book. It's life changing.


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