Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson | Teen Ink

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson MAG

January 14, 2011
By boredstudent13 BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
boredstudent13 BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Unexpressed is the only word to describe the main character in Speak, an emotional book that's one of the best I have ever read. Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson, a mother of three, has encouraged millions of readers to speak out. A powerful book can do that. That is why this is a must-read for all.

Speak tells the story of Melinda, a girl entering high school after being at the top of the world in eighth grade. However, something happens over the summer that leaves her transformed. She is quiet on that first day, only talking when necessary. When she finally meets a friend, she is still withdrawn. Why is Melinda so quiet? What happened over the summer? You will have to read on to see Melinda become someone who will speak.

Speak has many themes, one of which is that time heals all wounds. As Melinda slowly comes out of her quiet, withdrawn state, I noticed her steps toward speaking out, and I felt like cheering her on. However, her fear sets her back. Eventually, the horrific secret she has been carrying must come out, which shows how even an unseen wound can heal with time.

In my opinion, there is nothing negative about this book. I think Anderson wrote it to reach others who are in Melinda's situation. I don't usually like this type of book, but Anderson changed my mind. I liked the shifts in style of writing, with separate paragraphs each like a mini story. I think Anderson did a superb job and you will too.


This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 19 2011 at 5:16 pm
VioletsandVoice, Spiritwood, North Dakota
0 articles 0 photos 170 comments
I agree with you that Speak is a really powerful book and worth reading for everyone. If you are interested in constructive criticism continue reading, if you aren't feel free to cover the rest of this message with your hand: I felt like some parts of the piece were choppy or repetative such as I would give this book two thumbs up to all readers because it is an inspiration to millions of readers. Kind of get what I mean? I sometimes have a problem with wording too and a strategey I have found effective is to write your piece, wait a day or two, then go back and re-read/edit. Sometimes it is hard to catch gramatical problems in the middle of writing. Good luck with the rest of your articles, all it takes is practice xx