Beloved by Toni Morrison | Teen Ink

Beloved by Toni Morrison

March 8, 2011
By Ashley McCarty BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Ashley McCarty BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The main character, Sethe, searches to find her children, and her long lost love. Hoping to get her life back to normal; Sethe goes through many struggles. Will she ever get her life back to normal? Sethe had said “Today is always here…Tomorrow, never.”

Sethe is a not easy character to relate to because she went through many tribulations, for I had never had life that bad. Sethe was a slave in Sweet Home, but escaped. Her love, Halle, is still in slavery. Will he ever get out? Will Sethe find her husband Halle?

There was a murder of Sethe's oldest daughter, and all the Sethe other living kids where bloody from their wounds. Will the person ever get convicted? Why did they decide to kill the girl and hurt the other children?

However, Sethe is being haunted by a ghost, and wonders if she will ever be free of it. The ghost has been a burden to her for as long as she can remember. It has a hold over her that scares her. Will Sethe ever get out of this bondage?
To be honest, I did not enjoy the book. The book had been slow and hard to comprehend. I would recommend this book to a person who likes to read about slavery. Also a person who can comprehend books well.


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