Lord JIm | Teen Ink

Lord JIm

March 8, 2011
By RicardoR. SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
RicardoR. SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Joseph Conrad, in his classic novel published in 1902 Lord Jim, tells the story of a man trying to get away from his guilt. Jim is a young adventurer looking for adventures out at see. But, as Jim learns quickly the life at sea is not what he thought it would be. One his first trip at sea he is injured and left at a hospital, for his crew can not wait for him.
After Jim heals he seeks another job at sea that leads him to the Patna. A rusted old steam boat that delivers pilgrims to there holy land; on the Patna is where Jim problems start. While on watch the Patna crashes into a sunken ship which tears the hull open filling the Patna with water on the brink of sinking Jim jumps off the boat. After being rescued Jim is taken to be put on trial being accused of letting the ship sink with out warning them.
When Jim’s life looks like it is as bad as it can get he meets Marlow, who will be a good friend to Jim. Marlow takes Jim to Patusan where Jims life turns around he becomes a hero after defeating a bandit, meets Jewel a beautiful girl he falls in love with, he becomes best friends with the chiefs son Dain Waris. But, this happiness does not last long as Gentleman Brown arrives, a cruel man looking to take over, will Jims ever find happiness.
Conrad does a phenomenal job making the character of Jim come to life making you feel sorry for him. He does a good job at showing how Jim must suffer how his guilt follows him everywhere even when he did find some happiness “Jim increases the regret of his greatest mistake “. Conrad dramatic end is a perfect end to the story of Jim’s life. Conrad never loses the interest of the reader making the suspense pill up.I would recommend this novel to any reader.


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