Palace of Mirrors by Margaret Peterson Haddix | Teen Ink

Palace of Mirrors by Margaret Peterson Haddix

April 27, 2011
By amberbuggzz BRONZE, Parkersburg, West Virginia
amberbuggzz BRONZE, Parkersburg, West Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Go hard or Go home!<br /> It&#039;s the win from within

Introduction: This “peasant girl” named Cecilia, is nothing at all what she appears to be. She is in fact a true princess of her land. Orphaned as a young baby she was then assigned a trustworthy knight Sir Stephen, after the king and queen had been killed. The queen herself instructed by Sir Stephen to look after Cecilia and teach her the ways to be a true princess, until it is again safe enough for her to sit upon the throne again. She is hidden in an afar village and is taken care of by a very gentle woman named Nanny Gratine, who loved her as if she is her own.

Description and summary of main points: To not create any suspicion, they placed a decoy princess on the throne, Desmia is her name. She is the girl risking her life sitting upon the throne to protect Cecilia from the evil forces. Until it is safe again for Cecilia to step back onto the throne and take her place as princess once again.

Evaluation: The Palace of Mirrors is an adventurous book, where you discover who is the true princess. Cecilia first captured my attention by how smart she was, for being a peasant who is not supposes to have had any education. Best friend Harper and she are brave enough to go to the castle, and inform Desmia that Cecilia will take her place as princess once again. I find the book starting to drag on, when the two friends find them selves in locked in the tower and have barely anything to do. Once all the action begins and they are trying to find out the truth, it feels as if you are rushing beside them as they find out the truth of all the mysteries.

Conclusion: The adventurous book of Palace of Mirrors is about, trying to find out the real truth that the queen left in the knight’s hands, but then they find an odd twist to the family secret.

Your final review: For everyone that seeks adventure, twisted truth and some romance, I would then recommend this book to you. For all those people that are look forward to seeking terrifying thrill, this is not the right book for you.


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on Apr. 15 2015 at 10:20 am
This book is awesome and if u like romance then get a snack and cuddle up with this book