Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown | Teen Ink

Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

April 22, 2008
By Anonymous

The “Da Vinci Code” by Dan Brown is a great book to read if you like adventure and twists. This fun and action packed book brings joy and thought to a reader. After turning through all the pages, many puzzles and codes are revealed. The book keeps you on your toes waiting for what new secret will be revealed next.

Robert Langdon and Sophie Neveu meet when Sophie helps Robert escape from a murder he did not commit. The man that was killed was Sophie's grandfather. They had not been in contact for a long time. The French police were trying to frame the murder on Robert Langdon. Bezu Fache, of the Judicial Police, tried to catch anyone for the murder to look good and Robert Langdon was his biggest target. Wanting to know more of her grandfather's death, Sophie helped him escape from the Louvre. Before Sophie's grandpa was killed, he left clues to Sophie and Robert. By following these clues a chain of events occur, which may lead them to find where the Holy Grail is and the secrets behind it.


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