Finders Keepers by Marilyn Kaye | Teen Ink

Finders Keepers by Marilyn Kaye

February 7, 2012
By 99SYU BRONZE, Kelowna, Other
99SYU BRONZE, Kelowna, Other
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

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“An ordinary school with a few extraordinary exceptions.” “Dead people don't make good companions” Ken Preston is a cute, smart, athletic and popular ninth grader, but he is “gifted.” After an accident with his best friend Jack, in a football practice, Ken starts to hear random voices in his head asking him to help them do something. Ken always got annoyed by the voices except for one, and he could never tell that voice to go away. Amanda was also popular until she was in the “gifted” class with all the other “gifted” students. She doesn't really like her “gift.” She can't even control her “gift,” but that may help Ken. Amanda may hate her “gift” but maybe not after she found that her “gift” was helpful. The voices in Ken's head are the least of his problems because someone has a plan for him, and it doesn't come with a happy ending. Can Amanda save Ken from the plan that someone has for him with her uncontrollable “gift”?

This book was amazing because it was very realistic, descriptive and it made me picture this fantastic story in my head. I couldn't put this book down, my eyes were glued to the pages and my hands couldn't let go. Marilyn Kaye is such a brilliant author, she makes you curious to see what happens next but it's not obvious and she sometimes it's really surprising. As the fourth book of the series Marilyn Kaye has done an excellent job of making all the books like a big story, it frustrated me when I couldn't find the next book. A part in this book reminded me of the people who use other people to help them do something for their own benefit. A part of this book also reminded me of how hard it is to have someone close to you leave. I recommend this book to girls that are in grade 6 or 7 who like fantasy or mystery books because it's a mix of both genres and not too into just fantasy or mystery. This book was fantastic!


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99SYU BRONZE said...
on Feb. 10 2012 at 5:56 pm
99SYU BRONZE, Kelowna, Other
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

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Such a great series book! Must Read!