What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen

March 1, 2012
By cooliopeace SILVER, Lawrenceburg, Indiana
cooliopeace SILVER, Lawrenceburg, Indiana
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mclean was a normal, ordinary, and happy girl. Then her parents divorced and everything changed. She moved with her dad, who moved a lot for his job and so she also had to switch schools. With the divorce and embarrassment of everyone knowing that her mom cheated, she didn’t want to be Mclean, and that’s when she started changing different names and personalities.

What Happened to Goodbye is a well written book. The characters seemed real at most timese and the dialog was fine. At some points the characters seemed too dramatic though. Then there were parts were I thought that it didn’t seem realistic. The dialog was good and it fit with the story. There is not too much dialog in the book. The setting seemed realistic and reading the book made me feel like I was there. Everything seemed to fit well with the story line. I didn’t get lost in descriptions and everything made sense. It was an easy book to read and it was enjoyable.

I liked how I could relate to the book. As you read it, you feel like you're there with Mclean experiencing everything she does. I relate to wanting to be someone else. Everyone has a point where they wish they were someone else. What I disliked about the book was that at some points the characters were dramatic. Some parts were really predictable as well. In the end I did like the book and I would recommend it to anyone who likes to read about teenage love. It was an easy to understand, enjoyable, and all around great book.


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