Dork Diaries by Rachel Renee Russel | Teen Ink

Dork Diaries by Rachel Renee Russel

June 7, 2012
By FlowerGirl87 BRONZE, Sydney, Other
FlowerGirl87 BRONZE, Sydney, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We wern't born to follow" Bon Jovi

Mean girl drama? Check. Cute Crush? Check. Laugh out loud protagonist? Triple check. Dork Diaries is a truly funny set of diaries by Eighth Grader Nikki Maxwell, who is just trying to fit in at her new Private school. The only reason Nikki is attending Middle school at Westchester Country Day is because her
dad is the school exterminator, which Nikki is trying to keep under wraps. Honestly, the books are a great read, very true to life, and always have a twist to their tales. Mackenzie Hollister ( school Queen bee ) tries to steal Nikki's spotlight, but the end is always a slap in the face. If you are that 'weird' girl in school, this book is for you!

The author's comments:
Laugh out loud funny diary entries from a laugh out loud funny protagonist.


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