The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman | Teen Ink

The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman

September 9, 2012
By Sophiadlt1 PLATINUM, Barcelona, Other
Sophiadlt1 PLATINUM, Barcelona, Other
44 articles 5 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;You can&#039;t stop the future <br /> You can&#039;t rewind the past <br /> The only way to learn the secret <br /> to press play.&quot; <br /> &mdash; Jay Asher (Thirteen Reasons Why)

During this book, Philip Pullman has grasped the reader’s attention in The Subtle Knife the sequel to The Golden Compass. With his descriptive words he is able to give you much detail about the scenes and characters. This also allows you to gain a perspective into the book that makes it relatable.

This book captures the story between Will and his quest and determination to find his father, his mother is mentally ill which causes a great burden on Will to act as an adult, however will does not find his mother’s presence a liability to himself and his education in any way. There are many things Will has yet to understand, how ever during his journey to find his father he ends up taking another man’s life, even though that man did pose a threat to Will’s well being. On his journey he comes across a most exceptional discovering of an alternate universe. In this universe he meets Lyra and her daemon, however the city is abandon for horrifying creatures called Specters have left the whole town in a frenzy of madness making them flea. This story contains more insight on Lyra’s understanding of dust and Wills knowledge of his father. Once the alethiometer is stolen they must find the Subtle Knife for ransom. However this will require a battle to the death over a knife that is sharper than anything in the world and can open portals to alternate universes.

However, at times Philip Pullman use of detail is questionable because it makes the reading monotonous occasionally. The plot was extremely well thought through and detailed, tying the second book to the first in a very unusual but innovative manner. He also use the second book to help answer questions that the reader was left with from the second book, creating a very though out and interesting book for the reader to become engaged in.

This book is suggested for people that have a great imagination. This book however, this book was rather boring at times there fore is not suggested for people that have very little attention span or do not enjoy reading. To read this book it is quite necessary that you have read and have a good understanding of the previous book. This book is not recommended for anyone that did not enjoy the first book, for Philip Pullmans style does not very and it recaptures many parts of the first book.


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