The Best Of Me by NIcholas Sparks | Teen Ink

The Best Of Me by NIcholas Sparks

February 21, 2013
By CNH11967 BRONZE, Mason, West Virginia
CNH11967 BRONZE, Mason, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears.<br /> -Edgar Allan Poe

The Best of Me is one of the greatest Nicholas Sparks books yet. It’s a romantic drama about two former high school sweethearts. The book begins with the flashback of Amanda Collier and Dawson Cole’s high school love. Now in their middle age they return to their hometown for a funeral of an old friend, Tuck Hostetler.
The book is narrated by the different characters involved in the story. Dawson Cole works on an oil rig of the coast of New Orleans. He lives in a rundown trailer outside of the city. Even though he lives in New Orleans he’s never been to any of the city’s attractions. Amanda Collier has three kids and an alcoholic husband. She met Frank at a college party. She volunteers at the local hospital after her daughter, Bea, died at a young age. Tuck Hostetler’s funeral will bring them back to their hometown. Tuck always was a quiet man after his wife died. Dawson’s family has a bad rep in the town of Oriental, North. Although Dawson comes from a family of trouble makers, he always made good grades and most of the time he followed the rules. On the other hand, Amanda Collier’s family was wealthy and stuck up. Amanda was a high school cheerleader and every girl wanted to be her. The more the two talked, the more they fell in love. At the end of their senior year, Amanda was going off to college and Dawson was staying in Oriental. Now they live separate lives until Tuck Hostetler brings them back together.
Your final review
The book is a must read for all ages. Nicholas Sparks really hit this one out of the park.


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