Hallowed by Cynthia Hand | Teen Ink

Hallowed by Cynthia Hand

July 15, 2013
By SarahWerner SILVER, Bedford, New York
SarahWerner SILVER, Bedford, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In this sweet, sad, and romantic fantasy, Clara Gardner is an angel-blood(part angel). She saved her boyfriend from a forest fire and her mother from a fallen angel as a result of a vision. Clara did not complete her purpose or her reason to be on Earth that all angel-bloods have. With her friends, Angela and Christian who just might be her destiny, she has to discover what it means to be an angel-blood. She has a vision telling her that someone she loves is going to die. Who, when, where, how, and why are the questions she has to figure out the answers to. This book is sweet and touching. I think that the two boys in her life are handsome in different ways. The author really draws you into the story and leaves you wondering what is going to happen. This is a sequel to a prior novel Unearthly so you will want to read it first and then this.


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